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[VC_ROW] [VC_CUMNE WIDTH = "2/3 ″ Offset =" VC_COL-SM-offset-2 ″] [VC_CUMUMN_TEXT]

Konte Includes multiple pre-configned header layouts to choo from. Each with itS Own Look and Set of Options That Allow you to customize it to fit your site design.

[/vc_column_text] [/vc_column] [/VC_ROW] [VC_ROW] [VC_CUMNE] [VC_SINGLE_IMAGE SOURCE = "EXTERNAL_LINK" EXTERNAL_IMG_SIZE = "FULL" ALIGNMENT = "CENTER" CSS_ANIATION = "FADEIN" te.uix .store/elementor/demo-images/headers.jpg”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_empty_space height=”60px”][vc_custom_heading text=”Unlimited Headers” font_container=”tag:h2 | text_align: center ”use_Theme_fonts =" yes "css =". VC_CUSTOM_1536553832837 {margin-bottom: 20px! Important;} "] [VC_CUMNE_TEXT]

Beside Pre-Configured Header Layouts, Konte Also Has Options to Help You Build Your Own Header.

[/vc_column_text] [/vc_column] [/vc_row] [VC_ROW GAP = "60 ″] [VC_CUMNE WIDTH =" 1/2 ″]

Header Layout

Konte Header is split into 3 sections: Topbar, Header Top, and Header Bottom. Each Section Has 3 Columns: Left, Right, and Center. You can Add Elements to Each Column. You can say header is unlimited.
[/vc_column] [VC_CUMNE WIDTH = ”1/2 ″]

Background header

Besides Building Your Own Header with Custom Elements, You Can Also Change the Header Background, Text Color, etc.

Custom logo

Basically, you can upload your logo image. But with konte, you can design your own logo with text logo or svg logo. It helps you control your logo easier for retina screens.
[/vc_column] [VC_CUMNE WIDTH = ”1/2 ″]

And more

Customizing every Single Element of Your Website's Header Like Search Form, Menu, ICON, Custom Tagline, Promotion Taxt, etc. Everything Becomes Easier with Konte.
[/vc_column] [/VC_ROW]

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